There are many elements that determine the wealth of your garden. We provide trained, experienced gardeners at affordable weekly and bi-weekly maintenance packages to ensure your garden remains fresh, beautiful and effervescent with bright blooms. Our maintenance packages start as low as Rs.1000 a month!
AmaGarden 07-step Maintenance Program
The classic Seven step maintenance program helps one arrive at a full-circle of garden renovation and improves the existing condition of the outgrowth in a much efficient manner. The following could be summarized as below.
- Checking plant condition, analyzing overall plant health and putting aside the plants that need special attention Removal of dried leaves and dried flowers, cleaning site.
- Cutting, trimming and pruning to optimize growth.
- Checking soil condition and loosening soil.
- Providing supports to plants, creepers, veggie garden.
- Potting new plants as per need. Re-potting of dying plants if required, Relocating Pots to optimize sunlight/beautification.
- Watering and guidance on watering frequency. Organic pesticide spray to control pests if required. Nutrients and fertilizers customized for growth.
- Garden renovation: Repainting grids, stands, grills, old pots and replacing planters.
For AmaGarden center is a house for beautiful garden ideas, garden interiors, garden structures and garden elements.
Our Services Include
We can provide with the following services:
- Checking Plant & Soil Condition
- Cutting, Trimming and Pruning
- Watering and Guidance
- Garden Renovation
Call Us for Inquiry
9692600960 /61 /62
Give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
- Cost Savings, thanks to national buying power
- No disruption of site operations
- Reconcile just one convenient invoice
- We buy salt in bulk – reduced rate for vendors
Give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
- Cost Savings, thanks to national buying power
- No disruption of site operations
- Reconcile just one convenient invoice
- We buy salt in bulk – reduced rate for vendors
Give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
- We buy salt in bulk – reduced rate for vendors
- Reconcile just one convenient invoice
- Cost Savings, thanks to national buying power
- No disruption of site operations